Sunday, January 31, 2016

My day

I coloured today; that is all I did.
I have felt tired and a tad bit loopy... loopy enough for my family to notice and comment that I am not fully myself. I was also rather pale. It doesn't seem like that would be possible because I am generally quite pale, but it is what it is. I just felt off, I don't know how or why but do know enough that I didn't feel like my usual self. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. On the bright side, at least a day of colouring is relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there

    Hope you're feeling a bit better today.

    How are your blood levels - might be worth having a test. Sometimes 'feeling blue' is a result of a minor physical bug which can be sorted out.
    And how about increasing the 'healthy food' intake --- a wee bit of chicken soup and fresh veggies..

    Plus you made a visit to your friend's new apartment - i imagine the trip was quite draining, both physically and mentally. I think you are so brave to have made the effort, it couldn't have been easy.

    Rest well, stay strong

