Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Paper butterfly mobile

I spent the last few days making a mobile out of origami butterflies. Call it one of the perks about hobbling and having squishy bone inside your leg. At most, I'm able to walk for thirty minutes (well, at least if I want to go at a decent speed, probably a bit more if I walk really slowly or take lots of break - this girl loves the site of a bench these days!), so there's lots of time spent sitting around at home. What better way to spend that time than working on crafts? That, or reading.

I found the instructions for the butterflies on Pinterest. I bought the big metal rings (Dollarama) and paper (Dollar Tree) specifically for this project, albeit a very long time ago, and the beads, ribbon and thread were regular parts of my craft supply stash. I came up with the design of the mobile myself and don't think I could be more pleased with it! It's lovely to sit on my bed and watch the butterflies gently swaying and turning in the breeze.

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