Saturday, February 11, 2012

Treasure Chests

Below are some picture of my pills and pill boxes aka "treasure chests". The big black one in the image below is the one I wrote the previous post about. Before I got it, I was carrying a days worth of pills with me in the little "one up" mushroom from Mario. I thought it was a fun way to carry around something that is not so nice to take/need to take, but then a friend pointed something out to me. The Mario mushrooms come with candy inside them, so if a child is snooping in my bag and finds it, he or she might mistake my pills for candy and eat them. I take almost 4000mg of antibiotics a day... not something you want a child taking all at once. So my mum got me a pill box. At the drugstore they did have ones with seven columns and four rows, for people like me who have to take medication four times a day, but I really didn't feel the need to carry a huge box around with my everywhere I it would rattle a lot, and that would be awkward walking across campus.
The big black one is the one I use at home - I find it easier than using the bottles the pills come in, and it makes it easier to see if I have missed a dose or taken everything I needed to. I found the smaller ones yesterday at Shoppers, a pack of two for $2.99. I might go back to get another pack that has a different pattern and colour so that I can mix things up a bit.

This is what I was keeping my pills in whenever I went out at the start of the first semester, with a big note in it that said "DO NOT EAT, these are NOT candy, they are my pills!"
And these are my pills boxes together with this months pills. I have almost twenty bottles now, and want to see how many I will have to go through to get better. I purposefully didn't take a picture of the labels on the bottles because some personal and contact information is on them. The one on the left if Sulfatrim DS, aka Septra. Those ones are chalky and taste extremely bad. The bottle on the right contains Cephalex. Those pills are orange and smell like sewage.

I know that some company somewhere is making a load of money by selling funky pillboxes, but it is nice to have something that makes me smile a little every time I have to take pills. I feel so odd when I have to take pills during class time and people are staring at me as I pull out my pill box. With the little ones it is not so awkward. Sometime I feel like I am poisoning myself every time I take a pill. i know I need them to make me better, but they can make me feel so terrible and exhausted. That is another reason for why it is so nice to add a pit of 'sunshine' to the whole process. I really hope that I can avoid the PICC line.

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