Thursday, February 23, 2012

Boris the Boring

Yesterday was my six year anniversary. Me and my bone infection have been engaged in a spontaneous, undesirable, love/hate relationship for the last 2190 days. Traditionally, if I were married, I would have received sugar, candy, or iron from my spouse but, seeing as I am still lacking a man, that didn't happen. Instead, I am coupled with chronic ostoemyelitis which, for the sake of this post, will be called Boris. Boris gives me many things - bone pain, swelling, edema, pus pockets, you get the idea - but Boris does not give me what I need. Boris is holding me back. And to be frank, Boris is starting to bore me. He is unresponsive to some seriously, heavy duty antibiotics. He doesn't care how much I baby him, he just cares about hurting me. Boris hasn't understood the signals my body, and my doctors, are sending him to GTFO so now my doctors need to surgically attempt to remove him (the restraining order didn't work). So lets all keep our fingers crossed that this is the year that Boris finally receives his final eviction notice!

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