Friday, May 18, 2012

Awsome Omegle conversation

This is what happens when I am exhuasted but can't sleep. I end up on Omegle and having an awsome conversation. So awesome, that I am posting it below (as well ad Facebook). I am the person under "you", and the stranger is, well, obviously a stranger...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: A wild unicorn appears!
... You: what do you do?
Stranger: I go to try and hug it!
You: It turns and walks away, indicating you should follow...
Stranger: I follow it, excited.
You: It speeds down a gravel road and leads you to an intersection with two paths. Which way do you go: to the left - following an imp into Mordor, or to the right, following the unicorn.
Stranger: To the right! I want to pet the unicorn and see if I can ride it :D
You: It leads you to candy mountain, where you meet Carl (hope you saw the YouTube clip), who automatically tries to eat you. In your desperate attempt to escape you mount the unicorn, but unfortunately loose your left arm and 4 toes in the process.
Stranger: (i've seen it. I can recite it in both English and German :3) I hold on to the unicorn, glad that I'm right handed.
You: The unicorn runs and runs, eventually arriving at a bridge. A wild troll appears. He says you must overcome his trap in order to cross. Do you accept the challenge or turn back?
Stranger: I accept.
You: He pulls out a tasty warm triple chocolate cake and holds it by your nose so you can bask in its chocolaty goodness. He asks "As tasty as this food may seem, why must you never accept a cake? (Hope you get the meme btw)
Stranger: (crap I don't) Umm... because the cake is a lie?
You: Hurrah! You have defeated the troll!
Stranger: Yay!
You: Sulking, he lets you and the unicorn over the bridge
Stranger: Sorry, troll, but I have places to go!
You: Shortly after you arrive at a fabulous castle. You are instantly approached by a knight who claims you to be the true king as you have crossed the impassable bridge
Stranger: But I'm a woman. Kingship is cool, though. I'll take it.
You: Do you stay in the kingdom to rule over your new people, prospering in gold and much much chocolate or do you return to the first path to take your chances in Mordor to possibly gain further glory. Answer wisely, as it will determine your fate.
You: (there is only one right answer)
Stranger: Hmm... I'll take mordor because it sounds fancy. And basking is boring.
You: I am sorry, that is incorrect. However, if you can tell me why it is incorrect you will be redeemed.
Stranger: ... I fail.
You: No guess?
Stranger: nope
You: Alright. It is because "One does not simply walk into Mordor."
Stranger: *facepalm*
You: For participating I award you 5 internets.
Stranger: YAY!
You: =)
Stranger: :)
You: I must go now, onwards to my next victim ahm...I meant, my next lucky participant
You: Yes, that is exactly what I meant.
Stranger: *giggle* Have fun.
You: You too! Have a good night.
Stranger: you too!

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