Last night I experienced some pretty intense bone pain. Bone pain has been a constant companion for the last few years as my bone infection went untreated (more like undiagnosed...). Several years ago my family doctor waved it off as "growing pains", which is ridicules because I haven't grown since 8th grade. It was really severe by the time my latest surgery rolled around in April. Since surgery I hadn't felt any at all until about a week ago, when I had a few small twinges here and there early this week. I shrugged it off, thinking I might have imagined it since the pain lasted only minutes, but last night it was terrible. The pain started around 1:00am, and was still going strong when I finally fell asleep around 4:00am. It is the type of pain that make you lie in bed, unable to move, clenching your teeth. It's pretty insane that the bone pain in my right lower leg can make my whole body feel so badly. I hoped that I would never experience it again, but alas... I hope it is not a sign.
I shall add it to the list of things I need to talk to my ID specialist at my appointment next week.
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