Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A quick trip to the OR

A quick visit to the OR, followed by a nice grilled cheese sandwich and some sweet potato fries, preceding a lovely long nap at home - I hope that this is an accurate summary of how the day will go. I am popping over to the hospital this morning for surgery to have one of the screws holding my IM nail in place removed. Unfortunately, it started backing out at some point last fall. By the end of November I had a hard lump sticking out at the top of my shin, which has proved quite painful ever since. If I am correct, this will be my seventh surgery and ninth trip to the operating room. Golly, it gets hard to remember sometimes. So much has happened. Any more surgeries and I won't have room to list them all in the designated area on the pre-operative paperwork! Unfortunately, the staff at the pre-op clinic actually remember me =( Usually knowing people is a good thing; this, however, is not one of those times.

As I have done since my third surgery way back in 2012, here is a picture from the morning of. I know it is a small surgery, but I am still nervous. General anesthesia and intubation are things I will neve get used to or find less scary. Hoping for good outcomes so that I can contine pain-free into my pre-graduate experience in my final semester of nursing school!

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