Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Midterms are coming

And I wouldn't have it any other way. No matter how stressful they may seem, I rather have midterms and the satisfcation of knowing that I am able to complete my education than the mind numbing bordem that became sitting at home regrowing my tibia.

We take so many things for granted, as if being in school or writing exams is just a given part of life. But it's so much more than just a given. To have the ability to get up in the morning is huge; that ability allows us to do so much, pretty much anything we want to. That's what comes to my mind when I overhear my classmates complaining about how horrible exams are. Sure, I  join in on the complaining and whinning and lamenting and wishing I could drop out just to never see another multiple choice scantron sheet in my life, but deep down I appreciate all the miterms because I am able to do them.

So mid terms are coming. They take up a hell of a lot of time and probably cause the very stress, late night and horrible junk food eating habits that nurses  teach patients to avoid. But they are here. And I can do them. Not only do I have the brains to write them, but I actually ahev the ability to walk into that class room and be there. In the mean time, I'll just drink tea and make funny faces at myself in the mirror.

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