"You shall not pass!" That is what Boris is yelling at me. He is telling me that I will not get rid of him; I will not complete my task in annihilating him!
Today started off better than most days do, and that's really saying something. Take what is a really bad day for you e.g. having the flu, or, getting soaked in the rain, missing your bus, forgetting you essay due in class, stepping in dog poop, missing another bus and then losing twenty bucks before you finally make it home only to find out your in laws are coming to visit for two weeks, and imagine feeling that bad for months on end and you end up feeling what I usually feel like every day. My good days are likely the equivalent of your so-so or mildly bad days. So you can imagine that I usually feel pretty blah. You can also imagine that on a day like today when I wake feeling good, yes, good which is much better than so-so, I am ecstatic. Why?
1) It is the final week of classes... who could be unhappy about that? I am a nerd and even I am excited!
2) The sun was shining beautifully through my window, bathing my room in soft orange glow. Really takes me back to my childhood when I would visit my oma and opa in Alblasserdam.
3) It is warm enough for my window to be open, which allows me to hear the birds singing outside. A better sound than even my piano, and I love my piano!
4) The cold which has been plaguing me (No, I do not actually have the plague), for the last two months is almost gone. It turns out is was never a cold at all. I am actually allergic to the hay I feed my guinea pigs, Luna and Lumen. If you are into Harry Potter and Dexter, you will get the names and how extremely nerdy I am. Two months ago I switched hay brands to save a few bucks. However,the new brand was of worse quality...ie, really dusty. Which has been causing my sniffles. I simply switched back to the old brand and my runny nose went away... as well as all the itching! and least but definitely most important (drum roll... heck, throw in an entire marching band please
5) Surgery was only a week away!
Not even the strike at the university could phase me, or the fact it would cause me to take extra time to get to barely populated classes. I had just showered and dressed and was finishing doing my hair when my mom called me from her room. The hospital had called. My surgery date has been mover from April 10 to April 18. I know that is is only an extra week, but when you have been ill for 6 years even this seems too much. After 8 1/2 months of antibiotics I am tired, exhausted, cold, shivery, fed up to here (miles into the sky). I had been waiting for this date, knowing it would eventually come for 9 months, slowly preparing everything. But I guess everything that has so neatly been arranged by the hospital could be undone even faster. Forget that I was going to get a PICC line the morning of, that I was going to meet my home nurse for the first time several days after surgery, the I was going to have the dead bone taken out of my tibia, that I went to all my appointments and got all the tests and scans done as asked. It could all be changed by someone who has, which I say with 99.371% accuracy, never had a bone infection. I think it is fair to say that I was more than slightly pissed. I burst into tears. It made me miserable. It made me have to re plan the nest two weeks of my life. First world problems I know... but 6 bloody years... so I do feel a sense of entitlement to this surgery. I understand and respect that there are reasons, unknown to me, for why surgery was canceled, but I am still a bit down hearted.
I am also really abhorring Boris. (Get the word play there...I am such a nerd!). According to Google, to abhor means to regard with disgust and hatred. It is a word interchangeable with detest, loath, abominate, despise. Oh! and let's not forget my favorite - execrate. Boris needs to GTFO, but he is being a tough little bugger. I am going to wager he is eve worse than the plague. The force is strong with this bone infection, and I don't think leaving him in my leg for an extra week will do anyone except him any good. I hope the IV antibiotics when I finally start them in two weeks after surgery, kick his a** all the way to Serbia.
And that was my monologue (I mean rant for the day). I thank you for listening (*reading*) and wish you all a good night. Bow, as the curtain closes.
Sticks head out of curtain, peeking out. Ahem, that was your cue to leave! Don't make me get management!.
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