Thursday, March 10, 2016

Surgery date, pre-op, ER, and some randomness in between

Hello everyone! This post is a bit of everything mushed together. I do talk about some stuff that is significant for me at the moment, but then there is what I guess some people would call "filler", so please feel free to skim through all this if you don't want to read the whole thing!

*Edit* On second thought, I will break this down into several posts. It's way to log to read in one go, even if just skimming along. 

Surgery Date
I got a phone call from my surgeon's amazing secretary/assistant bright and early Monday morning.. Well, not quite that bright an early. Eleven am is rather closer to noon than the start of the morning, but it was early for me because I am usually still sleeping through the pain of my morning ex fix adjustment at that time. Oddly enough, despite having a break from making adjustments, sleeping habits did not return to normal. Why? No clue. Like all else, blame it on the morphine. But I digress. My surgeon's assistant, who is just as kind and helpful as he is (which is very), said that surgery is scheduled for this Friday as hoped. The surgery is at 8 am, so we have to be at the hospital by 6. This, of course, means waking up at 4 am. Makes me wonder if I should bother going to bed at all!

On top of the surgery date, she said that I had a pre-op appointment on Wednesday (today) at 10:15 am, but to arrive a bit early to fill out the pre-op paper work. The hospital didn't send this out to me because the surgery and pre-op appointment were on such short notice. No big deal. I have filled out their forms too many times as is. By now they have become old hat.

It was a relief to know that my surgeon had been able to secure staff and OR time for this Friday. It was the earliest date that he was available for it. Between getting the news last week and surgery itself is already a week, so we obviously didn't want to add even more time between stopping the fixator adjustments, thus risking that the bone in my leg heals prematurely.

At this point (Monday), I was still a bit in shock about the whole thing. I mean I usually have weeks, if not months, to prepare for surgery, and now it was happening within a week. In the past I might have complained that six weeks was such a long time to have to wait, knowing the inevitable pain and discomfort that surgery brings, but a week? That doesn't leave much time at all. Fortunately I have done this so often that I can quickly pack an overnight bag with the essentials and a few small comforts, but it really doesn't give you much time to mentally prepare yourself. This has led me to belief that there must be some optimal time between finding out you need surgery and actually getting it. I wager it's about two to three weeks, but is that realistic in most scenarios? No. Anyways, I have adapted to life with my fixator so far so I will just have to do it again. And like everything else, I will get through this surgery and end up smiling on the other side of it. Once the nausea and anesthesia were off, I always do.

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