Wednesday, September 06, 2017

A zombie for tea!

I made it through another shift! Yay! And tomorrow I have one very well deserved day off. I can't really go into details, unfortunately, but there was some really odd stuff that happened today. It will be good to have the day off to process through it. There's lots of thoughts, feelings, and impressions that come with being a new nurse and it is important to work through them (especially when starting on a palliative care/oncology unit). I'm hoping to get lots of good sleep tomorrow, because the twelve hour shifts are exhausting. And the hardest part isn't even working for twelve hours, or doing all the stuff nurses are expected to do. No. The hardest part is going an entire day without a cup of tea! I try to have one every morning before work, but then I have to pee way before it's time for my morning break, so that morning cup doesn't always happen. And I can't wake up any earlier than I already do to avoid the drink tea then have to pee problem. 5:15 shouldn't even be an option on the alarm clock. It should not even exist as a time! and I can't wake up earlier than that XD. I need to figure something out, like a thermos, because I need tea to function. Not caffeinated tea either. Just a simple fruit flavored tea, with the tea bag dunked in for ten seconds to get the flavor in. I mean, my motto in life is pretty much Tea is love! Tea is life!

Near the end of the shift, tired and icky looking. I don't know why my cheeks look so sweaty. The black thing hanging from my shirt is the safety badge tracking thingy nurses at the hospital I work at wear. It turns off call bells when we enter a patient's room, activates a light outside the room that allows other nurses or staff members to see where we are, and has a tracking system built into it. If we are in danger, we push the large white button on the back and it alerts security where we are and that something is wrong. In response, they come and find us right away and de-escalate the situation. It's a good idea; the badges just hang off of our uniforms in a funny way.

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