Tuesday, September 05, 2017

There can only be one!

I survived my first day on the unit! Not as a student, but as an actual nurse! I am beyond knackered and have no clue how I am going to get through tomorrow's shift, but you know what they say: you can only ever have one first day. I take a lot of comfort in that. I will never again have a first day of being a nurse. I might have first days on different units or in different hospitals, but today was the only one where I am completely out of my depth. XD Not that today went horribly, because it didn't, but it was extremely busy. Almost chaotic. Near the end of the shift, the nurse who is training me on the unit asked me asked if I would have been able to survive the day on my own. I'm not sure I could have, but to be be fair, I'm not sure if she could have managed everything that happened alone today either.

Here's hoping that tomorrow goes well and that I won't fall asleep standing on my feet at the medcart!

So tired! So frazzled! Also, note to self - do not forget compression stocking tomorrow! That was a big mistake today.
Do tired. Must not eat biscuits left for patient's in the kitchen... XD I didn't get my lunch until 5:30pm =(
PS. It was so hectic today that I didn't even notice the massive downpour we had. Apparently there was a massive rainstorm and I completely missed it. Didn't even know it had rained until someone mentioned it near the end of shift.

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