Monday, July 06, 2015

Hair cuts, strawberries, and bone infections

I spent the evening trying to come up with some witty introductory line to this post, but honestly, there are only so many ways you can say "I'm tired," before there's nothing more to add. So I will just state what you probably already know without me telling you: I'm tired.

As previously posted, I felt horrible last week Wednesday. So horrible that I used the super cool wish I had been given it ages ago number that gets my infectious disease specialist paged instantly, and her calling me within minutes. There have been some points in the past where I really needed to get in touch with her but we ended playing phone tag through the receptionist... not cool. Anyways, back to the point. My ID specialist called me back within 3 minutes, on a freaking holiday! How much more awesome can it get?!?! Ok, you know you have been sick way to long when awesome if defined as having instant contact with your doctors. I explained how I was feeling; how the fatigue was getting worse and the quality of my sleep was steadily declining even though I was sleeping longer and longer. Plus bone pain. I always seem to forget that, even though it is one of the most unpleasant things I have ever experienced. Because it is not a constant pain, it I easy to say "I'm fine," when it doesn't hurt at that precise moment. ID specialist decided to change up my oral antibiotics, keeping the cephalexin but changing the doxycycline to septra (still reminds me of sepsis, which I noted years ago in a previous post). She said she her her assistant would call me with an appointment the following Wednesday (which I still haven't received, BTW), and to call early in the week if I still feel horrible.

I started the Septra immediately and, knowing that it would take a few days to take affect, resigned myself to feeling cruddy for a few days. I slept a lot. More than a lot. Like 14 hours several nights in a  row. Woke up constantly throughout the night; still felt tired all day. I went out shopping on Sunday as a reward for finishing my last major assignment of the semester (only tests and exams left now) - lots of fun, but lots of bone pain, and cold sweats, very cold and clammy. I came home and lay on my bed for most of the day. I was very much looking forward to going to bed, if only to give myself a break from thinking about how cruddy I felt. Except I didn't sleep. I lay in bed for hours. Not cool. I finally fell asleep around 3 am only to wake at 8 to a splitting headache, bone pain, and light-headedness. And fatigue. Can't forget that. I went to my morning psychology class, hoping to feel better once I got up and moving. Didn't work.

I am not the person who calls her doctor for every little ache and pain. I wait stuff out to see if it will get better or not on it's down, and even then, I usually tend to minimize my health issues, thinking "someone else has it worse and needs the doctor more than me". At this point, however, I have been feeling rotten for so long that I have no problem calling in. Trying to struggle through it alone and putting on a brave face won't do me any good. I will only get more tired and feel even more cruddy. So, knowing that I will probably end up with the dreaded PICC line, I called my infectious disease specialists assistant to tell her whats up. I got the answering machine... assistant won't be back until tomorrow, which means probably not getting in to she the doctor until the end of this week or start of next week. At least no PICC line this week... yay? not sure... I then went to my Health Sciences class, came home, and feel asleep. Leg still hurting, splitting headache still raging. I looked as miserable as I felt.
I was really pale, and I got really dizzy when ever I stood up.
 Oh, I also got my hair cut today. I was at the early stages of a mullet, and looked like I had sideburns... Was quite sweaty/clammy and had a massive headache at the hair dressers (2 minute walk from my place), but decided to get it done anyways. I find it is easier to feel a bit better when you think you look good.

I went on my usual walk this evening. Despite the fatigue and bone pain, I try to walk everyday. I have always enjoyed walking, and it is important, I think, to keep up some exercises/physical activity. There are lots of benched on campus, so I usually sit down for a bit at some point.

Now I am back home, showered, and ready for bed. Still tired. Worried about getting through my lab class tomorrow. Really tired - not good shape to learn how to use I.V. pumps...

Completely unrelated, I just had a bowl for strawberries covered in a thin layer of sugar. I always got that when I was little when I visited my family in Holland. A pleasant way to end a meh kind of day.

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