Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Just ound out...

.... I won't be allowed to continue going to my clinical placement now that the PICC line is in, even though my infectious disease specialist said it is ok. The dean of the program said it's not allowed.

There were mixed feelings when I found this out today. On the one hand, it really sucks, because we only have so many clinical hours to begin with. Losing the next four twelve hour shifts, plus the one from last week when I was sent home, is a big loss of hours and time to practice my skills. On the other hand, I'm still exhausted. I'm not any where near as tired as I was last week, but I definitely don't have tons of energy either. Walking up at 4 am and being on my feet all day wouldn't help anything. Plus, how on earth do you care for patients when they keep asking you about your own medical problems that are clearly visible by the PICC line?

On a bright note, the school will probably let me pass the clinical component of the semester despite missing the last 4 weeks. I am just finishing the last big clinical assignment this week since I got all the information I needed the last time I was in clinical, week before last, and then I can write the IV math test whenever works for me. After that It is just a reflection, self evaulation, and peer evaluation, easypeasy.

The rest of my courses are going well. I think I have either already passed everything or only need ridiculously low grades on the next set of tests to pass any of my classes (e.g., I need 42% on the next Health Sciences test to pass the course, or 21% on both the next test and the final exam). Working hard throughout the semester definitely paid off! So now I am just focusing on finishing up school work, and counting the days until the semester ends, moving back home, and surgery. Oh, and the zoo! I want to go to the zoo for my birthday next month (energy levels permitting). My mum has suggested several times that we rent a wheelchair for the day, but I am not sure... I get enough people staring at me with the PICC line as is. That being said, the zoo! I really want to go. If renting a wheelchair means I don't exhaust myself by walking all day and I get to see the penguins at feeding time, it might be worth it.

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