Sunday, July 12, 2015

"I'll only scratch for a minute, I promise!"

Lie. Complete lies. If I could scratch my arm right now, I would scrape off all the skin in the process. I forgot how much itching accompanies a PICC line. Between Friday when I got the PICC placed and this afternoon, no itching at all. Early this evening, maybe a tiny bit here and there. I though "it comes and goes before I can even do anything about it. I can totally live with this". And then I showered, arm wrapped in saran wrap and packing tape. Got out of the shower, everything fine. Dried off; still fine. Peeled of my lovely wrapping job, and NOT FINE. Itch itch itch. Like a swarm of angry misquotes attacked me, and only stung me in that one spot. And then the realization that the lovely patch of skin trapped under the tegaderm dressing won't be accessible for the next 3-4 months. And all I want to do it scratch! Who would have thought it was possible for one bit of skin to be so incredibly irritating... It's like being a kid again, knowing where the cookie jar is kept but being to short to reach it by an inch. That is me and my arm. Just replace the cookie with scratching, and that one inch with what essentially is saran wrap covering my skin, tempting me, allowing me to see through to the itchy bruised, sore skin below but preventing me from doing anything about it. That's even worse than not being able to reach the cookie jar. That's like saying "Here you go; you can hols the cookie, you can smell the cookie, you can see the cookie. It's in your possession. But don't eat it!" and then leaving the kid alone for an hour. You know the kid is going to eat the damn cookie...

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