Sunday, September 13, 2015

What begins with B? Bored!

I have way too much free time on my hands.
Scratch that.
All of my time is free time.
Other than my imaginary obligation to binge watch all four seasons of Walking Dead on Netflix before season five is released in two weeks, and the occasional appointment with my surgeon or infectious disease specialist, plus the personal hygiene thing I discussed in the previous post, I got all the time in the world.
Mind you, about half that time is spent sleeping...
But still, that is a hell of a lot of free time.
And 99.9% of that is sitting on my butt. Thank god for pillows and baggy pajama pants.

To convey just exactly how much free time I have, I am going to post some pictures below. Pictures I took with my webcam. The webcam that is built into my laptop and that I have used maybe once since I got my computer almost a year ago.

Not only have I discovered the webcam (and the amazing feats it performs, like acting as a mirror when you are doing your hair and to lazy to actually get up and get to a mirror), but also all the weird effects you can add to the pictures or videos you take with it.

Here are some of the results:

Some of them are just fun. Look at that cutie to the left!
Perfect for the fall weather outside right now!
Can't wait to get back to school (hopefully in May) and and write my certification exam once I graduate. I am going to be an awesome nurse after all that I have been through.

Finally! A way I can express my frustration with my leg to the world.

But then some of them get kind of weird. I can't think of any reason why anyone would ever need some of these effects...

Struggling with my inner demons (aka to eat or not to eat more chocolate).
 I don't even...

And then I realized that you could mix certain effects together...
Anyways, now that you have seen way more pictures of me than you ever wanted to, and probably think that I am a little bit self absorbed...
Seriously though, I am bored.
Bored bored bored.

I miss school. I miss my friends. I miss being able to shower normally, make myself a cup of tea, do my own laundry. But more than anything, I miss being able to get up on my own two feet and go for a walk. I know that this is only temporary and that things will get better, but it is still dificult to deal with in the short term. Right now, six months from now doesn't seem temporary. It feels like a life time away. And given my track record with the infection, I still have doubts about whether or not this treatment option will work. I just have to stay positive. I mean, there are only so many times I can fall into the 1% of patient who have something go wrong before I am in the 99% where things go right, right? Right!

And in the meantime, I can keep messing around with the effects on my webcam and binge watching Netflix.

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