I get another new cast tomorrow afternoon. Usually I take really good care of my cast, because let's be honest, being stuck in a cast twenty four-seven is roughly equivalent to wearing a wet wool sock in a manky old winter boot for a week after jumping in a puddle of slush and feeling the nasty cold water trickle down your leg. A cast might be a medical device, but it is actually really really really gross. The staff at the fracture clinic even gave me this little black shoe (and I use that term in the loosest sense of the word) to wear over my cast. Yay! for not having to rest the bottom of my cast on the floor when I use the hospital bathroom. Because a bathroom floor in a hospital is also really really really gross. And when it comes down to it, my cast goes everywhere that I do, including my bed at night. So it is kind of nice if the cast stays clean.
Unfortunately neither my mum nor I thought things through when she
convinced me to go on the Maid of the Mist tour at Niagara Falls on
Monday. Now my cast smells like a gym bag and feels lumpy and slimy
around my foot. Completely worth it though! So I am getting a new cast tomorrow. I probably won't get super lucky like last time when I got nice green fiberglass instead of the standard white, but it is only for four more weeks. I can deal with that as long as it stays clean. Which leads me back to the gross thing - I have been in a cast for over eight weeks now. The skin on my foot had started to die and flake off a bit. I can feel it clumping together between my foot and the bottom of the cast. Again, really really really gross. So gross that I am almost looking forward to the external fixator. Almost. But not quite. If you gagged a bit reading that, I don't apologies. Imagine how icky it is to feel that constantly and not be able to get your foot out of the cast. I have never been claustrophobic, but I am starting to feel a bit panicky when I concentrate too hard on the bottom of my foot in my cast surrounded by all my dead flaky skin. Disgusting. Finally, I found a new adjective for gross.
I am going to ask for a PTB cast (patella tendon bearing) this time around. The first and second casts where PTB casts. This type of cast is formed around the knee, so when a person walks on it, a good portion of her weight is transferred from the knee to the cast. The third cast (the one I currently have) is just a regular lower leg cast. It extends higher than normal to prevent my leg from twisting, which could cause the bone cement holding my tibia together to break, and is reinforced with some extra fiberglass at the bottom. But at the end of the day, it is just a regular cast. When I walk (which is not really walking at all, just putting some weight on the leg as I hobble along on my trusty sticks), my shin presses really hard against the fiber glass, which obviously hurts quite a bit. All the muscles in my lower leg are angry. So I am hoping for the walking cast. I don't know if I will get it, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

There is not very much other stuff to update. Well, there is medical stuff, which I plan to do this weekend, but life has been pretty quiet non-medically speaking. I went to the market this afternoon, and then to the magazine shop and Odds and Ends, a small consignment shop downtown, then the craft store to get the two colors I was missing for my cross stitch pattern. I worked on that pattern in the afternoon, fish and chips for dinner, and had a friend over in the evening. It was lovely to catch up with someone my own age. =)
Crafty stuff I picked up at the magazine shop - a cross stitch kit and buttons. I am a sucker for fabric buttons. |
New skirt... because I needed another black and white skirt! This must be the fourth one now... but it fit so well, and only cost 6$ |
I do have a big surprise that I am going to blog about within the next week. Surprise might not actually be the right word for it, but it is something that I have been working really hard on and am thoroughly excited about. I can't wait to share it with you all because I am super proud of it and think it looks amazing! I won't say more than that, other than I have been a busy bee stitching away since the last surgery. But that is all I will say. My lips are sealed until it is ready to unveil.
Just a little teaser to get you curious. |
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