Monday, November 30, 2015

Another Update

I had more problems with a high heart rate just before midnight last night, around the 130s. My nurse took lots of blood to culture and did an ECG. The ECG showed that I have tachycardia but my heart rhythm is normal. So that is both good and bad. I was able to sleep almost constantly through the night. It was not the deep sleep I wanted (or needed) but much better than the cat naps I had been having since surgery.

I had another episode with high heart rate early this morning, around quarter to seven. I was coming back from the washroom when I started shaking really badly. I am not sure, but I think my heart rate got back up to the 150s. At rest I am now between 110-130. This makes me feel antsy and makes it difficult sleep or relax. This really sucks because I have gotten so little sleep since surgery. I have not heard back from the doctors about this yet other than "All of your lab work is normal; we do not know what is causing this". My nurse has been trying to get in touch with the ortho team for several hours without success.

A new problem I have encountered is that my tongue has turned white and is super painful. This is really unpleasant. The only bright side is that I don't have much of an appetite at the moment anyways, so I am not sitting here super hungry but unable to eat because my tongue is so sore. I will tell my nurse the next time see checks on me.

I definitely won't be going home today. I also have not worked with physio today, so that will push things back a bit. Hopefully tomorrow I can start working with my trusty crutches, but I don't think I will be home until Wednesday. Hoping for Tuesday (tomorrow) but realisitically thinking Wednesday. I have a post op appointment with my surgeon here at the hospital early Thursday morning. Depending on if/when I am discharged on Wednesday, I might ask if I can stay an extra night in order to save me the pain and discomfort of the hour long drive between home and the hospital. That is a trip I am not excited to take what with the external fixator...

I am still in good spirits, just trying to relax and occasionaly do some soduku puzzles. My mum is sitting beside the hospital bed knitting me a lovely scarf, and later we might head downstairs to get some tea. I think that is it for now. Hopefully everyone else is doing well =)

Ps. I have an epic bruise on the outer thigh where the surgeon had the tourniquet during surgery. I don't think i have ever had such a large bruise before.

Edit: 6:17pm. The doctors are not concerned with my heeart rate, even though the nurses are. They are ready to discharge me tomorrow as long as physio gives the okay. We have figured out that my heart rate spikes when I get up and move around. I took a short walk in the hall earlier and my heart rate jumped to 170. It was back to 130 within seconds of sitting down. And about fifteen minutes ago it jumped to 160 when I went to the washroom. I told one of the nurses and she immediately said that this is an activity related problem. But the doctors are ademant that everything is okay becuase a young, healthy person is, in their words, able to withsand a heart rate of 170. So I will go home tomorrow and if anything happens we will just drive back to the ER. I am dissapointed in how this system works. The one doctor who did want to run more tests and ask more questions was quickly put down by one of her collegues. Sometimes, the system doesn't make any sense to me...

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