Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The morning of

Here I am, 5:30 in the morning. My mum has just told me she wished we didn't have to go and that she doesn't want to do this. I couldn't agree more, but it will be worth it when I can walk and carry that cup of tea!

I slept horribly. Blame it on nerves and getting hungry. I can never well sleep when I am either. I guess the anesthetic will remedy that and I will sleep the rest of the day away. I am rambling now, as I usually do when super worried. Hopefully everyone has a fantastic day! Mine will be, in that it will be the start of the process growing back my tibia, and that is a beautiful thing even if it means some pain. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. thinking of you sweetness ..... one more step along the road, a big one.
    candles lit

    hugs, Barbs
