Saturday, November 28, 2015

Post-surgery update

Those of you who have read Jedida's most recent posts know that she was preparing for her long awaited surgery on Wednesday.

On Jedida's behalf I can let you know that surgery went well. It took 2 hours and 10 minutes, which pleased the surgeon because, in his own words, 'that meant that there were no obstacles'.

Since then she has come across a few hurdles with pain medication (a big mistake in the prescription left her severely undermedicated immediately after surgery), 3 periods of way too high heart rate/low oxygen levels/increased temperature which has brought the mobile ICU team to her room, and the need for potassium and other electrolytes to replenish her depleted levels.

On her right shin sits a trippy electric-blue fixator with all kinds of interesting screws and turning devices. Jedida will put a picture up once she can focus enough to read/type again. The meds make her that loopy. Initially she was on 2 x 3mg of contin but had to use the pain pump to the max. So the contin was trippled and now the pain pump is needed less.

On Thursday she was able to sit in and move around with a wheel chair, and on Friday she used a walker to go to the bathroom. Today she used that walker to hop all the way out of her room and back, 3 times now, and she wants to try to do it once again tonight.

We hope that she will be allowed to come home on Monday but know that it may be a few days later.

Thank you all for your interest and encouragements.


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