Sunday, December 06, 2015


I don't know what you accomplished today, but I know what I did: I wore pants!

Take that external fixator!

After eleven days of pajama pants (or hospital gowns in the early days), I finally summoned up the courages to see if I had any pants that I could wear with my fixator. This is quite challenging because the right pant leg of each pair has to fit over the pins jutting out of my shin. Pajama pants are great for this - they are comfy and stretchy and often inexpensive so getting them on is relatively easy and it doesn't matter if a pin gets stuck and rips a hole in them. Pants are a different story. I didn't think I had anything I could actually wear but I dug deep into my drawer and pulled out my Tripp pants. The ones I got cheap second hand (but almost new) way back at the start of university. I loved those pants but couldn't imagine myself wearing them anymore. But... not only are they baggy enough to fit over my pins, but they also unzip at the knee so I don't have to walk around with my pant leg rolled up around my knee, making it even bigger and bulkier and stiffer than it already is thanks to the swelling caused by the IM nail placment during surgery. Tomorrow I will see if my red cords will fit and this week my goal is to wear a skirt which should be real easy to get over the fixator compared to pants. XD It is a wonderful thing when you realize that you won't have to spend the next four months in pajama pants.

To celebrate, I am eating some cheese cake.

Cheese cake and pants... life is good =)

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