Friday, April 15, 2016

Another post about toes

Yesterday's post was quite long so I thought that I would follow it up with a much shorter one today.
It's not even a post, really, just a few words and two short videos. But I'm going to count it anyways because it still took some effort to get everything uploaded to YouTube.

The first video shows you how I make the adjustments to my fixator. Each adjustment is a quarter turn, which it is the equivalent of 0.25 of movement. I would do a half turn in the morning (0.50 mm) and a quarter turn at night (0.25 mm), for a total of 0.75 mm of bone growth per day. I thought this might be interesting anyone who has been following my blog regularly because I have mention doing the turns so often. I made my final adjustment on April 3rd.
In the second video you can see my inability to move my toes. They can move downwards a bit, but they don't actually bend. I was really struggling with this in January until I started going to physical therapy. The exercises I got helped for a while, but then things slowly deteriorated again as the pins on my fixator moved downwards, exerting more pressure on my muscles. This movement should come back with some intense physio once the ex fix comes off.

I will be so thankful when I can move my toes properly again. Life is really about the little things!

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