Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Birthday Wishes - Have a wonderful day mum!

 Happy Birthday Mum! I know I haven't sent you the link to my blog yet, even though I have shown you bits of it now and then (and you hear about it quite a bit!), but one day you will see it, and I want you to know that you are awesome so I am sending greetings and birthday wishes to you online as well!!!!

My mum loved the decorations I put up last night. It was well worth staying up late to do. The only things was that our birds were a bit afraid of them. I didn't see it, but apparently they would fly under the streamers and crash into the opposite wall in their attempt to avoid them. I think the vase with the butterfly decorations was the best part. I will have to buy some more of those. Mum thought they were very pretty. =)

I woke up this morning, about four am, drenched in sweat. Not only were my pajamas soaked through (night gown, pants, underwear, but my pillow and bed sheet where drenched as well. I was to tired to deal with it - I gripped around in the dark for dry pajamas, and put a towel over the bed sheet to sleep on. Of the four night I have been home, I have woken up with night sweats nights (about six different time, one tonight, 3 times the night before, and twice I think on Thursday)... It is very frustrating, and exhausting (and caused a lot more laundry). I ma now back in Hamilton for two weeks. I brought I giant pile of extra (recently washed... ya, at the rate the night sweats are going...) pajamas. On a bright not, my cold or whatever it was is almost going. My throat is hardly scratchy anymore. Hopefully it will be all better tomorrow when I have my one and only day of class for the week. I wish my leg would do the same. Pain is as usual. Slight throbbing along the scar tonight while I did my Health and Healing prep work for tomorrow, and finished a package on heart disease.
That is it for now. Time to catch some sleep. I want to be well rested for tomorrows lab class!

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