A lot of school work has been getting done in the lasts two weeks. Not only am I completely on track of all m readings and assignments so far, but I am well in advance for some of my courses. One, course, for example, has weekly online quizzes. Every Sunday during the last semester a new quiz would open up, and students would have a week to complete it. This semester, however, the instructors have opened up all of the quizzes for the first half of the semester at once. The they are all due on different dates, the last one being May 31, but you can complete them all at once as long as you get them done before their individual due dates. I just wrote the fourth and final one... I am shocking myself. Now, I have always been a good student; and excellent student really. I graduated my final year of high school with a 96% average, and graduated from university with the highest average in the faculty of humanities. But I am working harder then I ever did before, and I am not sure that is a good thing. I have felt pretty icky lately, with bone pain, night sweats, always being cold, side effects of the antibiotics, etc. And the whole bone infection thing in itself doesn't help either - the emotional roller coaster, the whole kerfuffle in January with scans and February with the E.R., doctors with different opinions and ideas about what to do, the overall uncertainty of everything... It is very much likely that I am using my school work as an escape of everything going on. This firghtents me a bit. I have been through a lot with my leg, but I have never gotten to the point where I poruposefully distract myself inorder to forget about the infection for a while. Let's take it as a sign that I have been sick with this thing for too long. It is kind of ironic, because since I feel this need to get school stuff done in order to distract me, I don't actually feel that I am working at all... So I am both working hard and hardly working... distracting instead! What will happen when I finish all the school work? I have know clue. On the bright side, at least I am setting myself for awesome marks and an academically stress free semester.
I slept for a really long time again tonight (10 1/2 hours). I woke up feeling groggy and tired. The back of my throat is completely dried out. I am freezing my ass off. It must end! And I have been having intermittent bone pain on the outside portion of my right lower leg this afternoon and evening.While poking at the spot on my shin this evening, the top layer of skin just kind of slid off. It has done this before - tones of fluid underneath. In the past this has meant the start of the spot actually healing, so I hope that happens now. Given the bone pain and how deep it was today, I am considering callin my infectious disease specialist on Tueday (Monday is a day off). I know I have siad this before, and i usually don't act on it, but I need to catch a break. Hopefully sehe can figure something out. Between now and the fall (hopefully surgery) I still have to get through another thirteen weeks of school/clinical/final exams. It would be pretty miserable to be hurting the whole summer long.
Time for a last cup of tea and a crossword puzzle now. After seven hours of school work (on a Saturday) and how I have been feeling, I think that I have earned it =)
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