Tuesday, May 12, 2015

One of those days

Today has been one of those day...
Spot is still there on my shin, now oozing a bit of clear fluid. Still not sure if I will call infectious disease or surgeon - already on antibiotics anyways.
Bone pain - some sharp, mainy dull aching taking a bit out the back of my leg type of pain. Occurred mainly in the afternoon/evening. Stopped just after eight pm.
Woke up at almost 4 am to go to the washroom - saw giant centipede between me and toilet and said screw it - turned of light and ran back to bedroom (cause I am a scardy cat like that!).
Woke up shortly after, soaked in sweat (I wish I could say it was weather related, but it went down to 10 degrees last night). Night sweats had almost gone away, just occasionally waking up with mack of shirt around neck a bit wet. Will see what happens to night.
Still feeling forever cold - can feel the tip of my nose right now... like a dog. Bah!
Headache all morning, nauseous from doxycyclin (eating and drinking before/after taking it doesn't seem to be helping much anymore, at least not in the morning).
Some major tooth discolouration going on thanks to the Doxy as well... will go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned in a few weeks when I stop the antibiotics. I think it looks pretty gross, especially since I pride myself on taking really good care of my only set of chompers (teeth are for life you know!). Just seems like a bad way to make good impression when clinical starts on Thursday...
Tried to go for a walk. It was drizzling a bit, so I wore my raincoat and took a hat and my umbrella. Thought it would pass over. Within ten minutes the sky was dark and angry. Rain coats are only water proof until a certain point - I was drenched so I came home and took a lovely piping hot shower. Great until I saw my leg after... it was red. Red and angry. Angry red. Fortunately it has subsided quite a bit now.
Discovered we have mice coming through a hole in the wall into a cupboard in the kitchen - ate almost an entire role of Maria biscuits in just a week. The landlord should come tomorrow to fix it/set traps.
I think the guys who sublet upstairs smoke - subltle smell in my room all day.
Like I said, just one of those days.
At my breaking point with the infection. Chronic bone infections suck!

The day was not all bad - I enjoyed psychology the morning, along the Health Sciences this afternoon (learning about Asthma treatment). I bought my kit of medical supplies for lab this morning. Excited for Lab to start tomorrow (doing oxygen therapy and medication administration! Got free pizza on campus. Completely on top of all my school work. Just the end of Monday but already only have one more class to finish up content wise for the week, and already well into next weeks content! And have a long weekend coming up XD

That is all. Leg starting to hurt again. I want to post about normal things. Sometimes I wish I didn't have this blog at all - not more bone infection, no more reason to post, no more therapeutic taping away like an angry dancing chicken on my keyboard! I am going to go finish reading
"Zeus grants stupid wished: A no-bullshit guide to world mythology". A good laugh will help today end on a good note.

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